Essential Points of the Gospel (Part 4)

August 11, 2024 00:39:14
Essential Points of the Gospel (Part 4)
Chapter & Verse
Essential Points of the Gospel (Part 4)

Aug 11 2024 | 00:39:14


Show Notes

Adult Sunday School: School of Evangelism · Pastor Adam Wood · August 11, 2024

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Let's get our bibles and turn to. [00:00:03] We're going to be in, last week we finished up in Romans chapter ten. So we're going to be in first corinthians this week. We're going to try to go pretty quickly to get through. We have several passages we want to get through. Nothing too complicated. I know that we are, we're repeating ourselves. There's a reason we're doing it. So just bear with us. Bear with me. My desire, if this can kind of set the, the stage for you a little bit. My desire as we go through these familiar passages is to, you know, sometimes familiarity with passages of scripture makes us so that we, in other words, you can't, you get to where you can't see what's there because you know the passage so well and you forget that it's actually, you know, you forget what it's actually teaching. And so what I hope to do is kind of go through these passages slowly in the context of evangelism, so that you can see them afresh, to see what truths are there. And the goal is so that you are able to take each passage and knowing what are the essential truths of the gospel. [00:01:08] When you try to give the witness to someone and give the gospel to them, knowing that you can take them to this passage and you know what is in that passage that you can use to explain the truth to them. That's the whole purpose of this. So I'm not, I'm not trying to belabor the point. I just want to make sure that we have a chance to go through some of the key passages that we would use in the context, excuse me, of evangelism. So let's go to one. Corinthians 15. [00:01:35] We'll do a brief review of what are the essential points of the gospel. I have ten. You could probably have a different number if you wanted to develop your own, so. But I have ten here. Somebody kind of, I know some of you are taking notes. Some of you remember them. Let's just go through. What are those essential points, as I call them, of the gospel? [00:01:57] Yes, sir. [00:02:00] Okay. God. All right, that's an important point, right? First word of the Bible. Well, fourth word of the Bible, first subject of the Bible. God. All right, what else? So we got God. Who else? What else? [00:02:12] Sin. All right, what is sin? What is the effect of sin? What's the penalty of sin? Everything related to sin. All right, what's next? [00:02:20] Jesus Christ, who he is, his identity. And this is key. We're going to talk about this this morning as well. But believing in a false Jesus has no effect. No effect at all. And, you know, the false christs exist, not just referring to, like, a future antichrist, but false christs now exist. All right, so we got those three. What's the next one? [00:02:49] The scripture. Correct. The Bible is the source of truth, of gospel truth. There is no other source of it. So there must be an acceptance of the scripture. What else? [00:03:04] Christ's death on the cross substitution. The reason he died. [00:03:09] Our sin on him. All right, that's five. What's six? [00:03:14] Of course, his resurrection. That's also essential. A dead savior can't save anyone. All right, next. Repentance. Repentance. [00:03:24] We've not dealt a whole lot with it, but the idea of. It's our attitude toward the other essential point, which is sin is what repentance deals with. All right, number eight. [00:03:39] Faith. Correct. Faith is the other side of the coin to repentance, which is the way we receive the gospel. And there's two more. [00:03:48] Righteousness. Righteousness. Correct. Righteousness. How you get it. How you get it. And the last one, the nature of salvation. In other words, saved. From what to what? What are we talking about when we say saved? All right. [00:04:08] Okay, so let's go to one. Corinthians 15. [00:04:12] We will pray, and then we will get in starting at verse number one. Okay? [00:04:20] Our Father in heaven, thank you for the chance to have Sunday school, not only our class, but also Abbey's class, Sister Pam's class, Sister McLean's class downstairs. Lord, bless them. Help them to say what you would have them to say. Help them, Lord, to teach the truth faithfully. Help the kids to understand those things. And, Lord, in our class, Lord, we just pray that your name would be glorified, your truth would be understood, received. And, Lord, we you would equip us that we would be. Be effective witnesses. But, Lord, again, I'm reminded of what good is training if we do not actually use it. So, Lord, help us to use it. Help us to be faithful, to seek and to pray like you did to seek to save that which is lost. And so, Lord, help us with that in Jesus name. Amen. One corinthians 15, verse number one says this. Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received and wherein ye stand by, which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory that what I preach unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins. According to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day, according to the scriptures, and that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve. After that, he was seen of above 500 brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain unto this present. But some are fallen asleep. Okay, so notice the things. [00:06:02] Notice the things. Starting in verse number one, he mentions how that they have received the gospel. And that goes, if you're sharing the gospel using this passage, that directly connects to John chapter one. But as many as received him. What does it mean? How many? You might have actually met someone that asked you this question. [00:06:25] How do you. Yeah, I know Jesus died on the cross for me. But how do I receive him? How do I receive the gospel? Does anybody know the answer? [00:06:34] What's it. [00:06:38] How about, how do you do that? [00:06:41] By faith. By faith. That's what it is. Notice if you follow John chapter one, it says received. They had received the gospel. Listen, here's the danger. [00:06:52] You present the gospel, the truths of the gospel, and you don't answer the question of how you receive it, how you apply it to yourself as an individual. [00:07:02] That leaves the door open for any and every false teaching. Well, just get baptized. You're receiving the gospel, right? Just be confirmed. Take communion, you're receiving the gospel. [00:07:14] There are religions that teach, and I'm not joking. Those of you that know, know exactly what I'm talking about. There are religions that actually teach that the way that you receive Christ, notice they're using the same jargon that we use. But the way you receive Christ is by taking the bread, the wafer and the wine. [00:07:32] I mean, this is exactly what they teach. Oh, I received Christ when I took communion. That is not what I mean. John chapter one is. And this is where you might note this, if you're taking notes, this is where you might note this. The receive in verse number one. But as many as received him. John 113, I believe it is. [00:07:53] Or twelve. It's twelve. I think, to them, gave he power to become the sons of God. And it gives you the definition of receive. How do you receive it? Even to them that believe on his name? That is the receiving. The receiving the gospel is done by faith. There's no action taken. [00:08:16] There's no ceremony performed. [00:08:19] There's none of that. It's an exchange of faith. That's what it means to receive Christ. So you have that in verse number one, and wherein ye stand by, which also you are saved. I know people, they look at Baptist in particular. Did you know that baptist people are some of the few people that use the terminology saved? Did you know that when you listen to other groups, and even if they teach the gospel, you will often not hear them use that term? That's a biblical term. I mean, it is a 100%, top to bottom, cover to cover biblical term saved. That's what we're actually talking about this morning. But this is to ask someone, are you saved? Now the danger, again, we talked about this before, but when you say something like that, you have to understand that they might not have the same definition as you. It is best to explain it. And that's kind of a cardinal rule. Don't assume people know what you're talking about. [00:09:24] And here's the thing. When you're talking to people, when we're talking to people, it is easy to assume that, because when you assume that they don't know what you're talking about, that's when it sometimes it gets a little bit awkward, we might say, because you're assuming their ignorance. But there's a way you can do that in the right spirit. [00:09:45] And usually the best way I found to do that when you're talking to somebody is to ask, what does that mean? What do you mean by that? That way you're not assuming. They don't necessarily, they don't know, but you're checking, you're verifying. And so when you say, and this is biblical, are you saved? And they say, oh, yeah, what does that mean to you? [00:10:07] That way you can gauge, are they understanding now? If they come back and they say, oh, well, I received Christ when I was, you know, five or ten or 20 or, you know, whatever, I received Christ when I was 18 or, you know, or, well, I got baptized or I trusted, I took communion or I was confirmed or I joined a church, the answer to that question tells you how they think of saved. [00:10:36] So the question is not a bad question. You just got to know that you and that person might be speaking a different language. So just be careful of that. It is our job as evangelists to ensure and verify that their understanding of the gospel goes beyond just words, that they really know what we're saying. [00:11:01] And so that's where, you know, that's where we go just one more step forward, you know, in trying to help them understand and to make sure. And, you know, you will meet people that say, you know, you say, are you saved? And they'll say, oh, yes, and they'll describe why they're saved, and they're right on the money. They're right on and you know what? When you do that and you make sure they understand, you know, what you've just done, you've probably just made their day. [00:11:30] And you've probably made your own day because you met someone that you haven't known previously. And you've encouraged by bringing up this subject to them, you've encouraged them. You've met a brother, sister in Christ. And the fact that you brought it up to them encourages them to do the same to others. So you see, it's a good thing all around, no matter if they don't know or if they do know. So again, a biblical term, saved, okay, by which also you're saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless you have believed in vain, a reference to false faith. Verse three. [00:12:07] For I delivered unto you first of all, that which I also received. There's that word received again. How did Paul receive the gospel? We already know it's written in acts, right? It's written on that road to Damascus. He explained. He tells you what he did to receive the gospel. [00:12:26] He didn't. It wasn't a ceremony, right? He received it by faith on that road. Okay. [00:12:34] How? That Christ died for our sins. So remember, that assumes who Christ is. There you have that. That's one point, essential point. Christ died for our sins. He died in a substitutionary way. Again, and I know I'm preting myself. Just hang with me again. [00:12:54] It's making sure that someone understands beyond the term. [00:13:01] Understands beyond the term. I know brother Stewart has said in the past, you know, he's, you know, he heard that Jesus died, you know, died on the cross, but it wasn't until he understood he died for me. Right? That kind of the light came on. And to some people, that's the issue, is that they know the words, they know the terms. And here's the thing. A lot of times what people learn in church when they're young, they learn to repeat. Sometimes that actually hinders them because they just learned to say it. That's what we talked about last week. Notice Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. There's the scriptures, the source of truth, and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day. According to the scriptures, the Bible is the source. This is why when you witness to someone, you tell them about Jesus. It doesn't matter what subject in this matter that you want to talk about, whether it's sin, repentance, faith, the gospel, Jesus, who he is, God, whatever, you always go back to the Bible, apologetics, as much as we like that argument, as much as we like that is not sufficient. [00:14:14] You have to. And it really is just this simple. It really is. We are not relying on our own power and wisdom and wit and cunning. [00:14:24] We are really just look at what this verse says. You see? Do you understand what this is saying? It's really that simple. The Lord is the one who does, has all the power. The Lord is the one who's working in the hearts of people. It is our job just to just tell people, make them know what it says and trust him that he's going to do the work. Use the Bible. [00:14:49] The scriptures are the sole source of truth. All right? And then verse five and six, you can see Jesus was witnessed to have been resurrected from the dead, his resurrection. Okay, look at second Corinthians, chapter five. This is a go to passage. [00:15:08] I'd encourage you, if you, I mean, if you're wanting to, to equip yourself for this, you know, to witness, to write down these passages and make little notes and help yourself remember how to use these passages effectively. Second Corinthians, chapter five, verse number 19. [00:15:26] It says this, to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself. [00:15:34] Now again, anytime you see God, you might say God the Father mentioned in reference to salvation in addition to Jesus, that tells you something about salvation. [00:15:48] And the more I study this, even for today, for the Sunday morning message, the more I study this, the more I see how important this point is, which is Goddesse came up with this plan. [00:16:06] He did it, he did it. [00:16:10] Everybody in this world thinks that it's up to them to save themselves in some way, in some measure. [00:16:18] But one of the core when we talk about God is one of the essential points is God made the way the Lord did it from start to finish. He did it. [00:16:30] He did it. And that's what this is saying. God was in Christ. [00:16:35] That tells you who Jesus was, reconciling the world unto himself. That tells us, what is man's condition, an enemy of God. [00:16:44] Anyone who needs to be reconciled is an enemy of God. [00:16:48] Why were they an enemy of God, reconciling the world unto himself? You could see the love of God there. Why would anyone who is an enemy of another seek to bring that person into a good relationship? Enemies don't do that. The only reason enemies do that is if there's an assured destruction, if they don't manage to get along. You know, you think of political things, right countries. The only reason enemies decide not to kill each other is if they know that if they try. They themselves are going to get killed. That's how it works, right? [00:17:23] But this is not what the Lord is doing. The Lord is bringing that person who is his enemy to him. [00:17:31] That's amazing. [00:17:34] But notice it says, not imputing their trespasses unto them. There's sin. But it's sin specifically in reference to trespasses, which are individual acts against God's law, violations of God's law. [00:17:51] And that's why we are enemies. You can see this all from here and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation. [00:17:59] You see, good works, if you pay attention and meditate upon verse 19, good works matter not at all. [00:18:09] For notice what it says, not imputing or counting their trespasses unto them. In other words, they've already sinned. This is the truth that's found in this scripture. They've already sinned. And when a person comes to Jesus, it's not that God looks at them and says, okay, now that you've believed in me, you've done good. So therefore I'm going to save you. Oh, no, no, no. God says, I'm not going to count your trespasses unto you so you can do good works all day long, and none of that matters. It's not like it balances out or anything. That's not faith doesn't balance out good works. You know, these are ideas that people, that people kind of hint at when we trust in Jesus, it doesn't cancel out our sin. That's not how it works is that God forgives and does not count our sin to us. You see, it's not like it outweighs our sin. Our faith is better than our sin. That's not how it works at all. Our sin is still there. [00:19:05] Because really, think about it. [00:19:07] If it were true that we have faith, and faith is a. We think of faith as a merit, a good work that by exercising faith in Jesus, our sin is outweighed. That's a fundamentally wrong idea. But if that's true, why did Jesus die? [00:19:26] That's useless. [00:19:28] If faith is nothing more than a good thing we do to outweigh our sin, then Jesus didn't have to die at all. But he did have to die so that the Lord could count our sin on him and not on us, not impute our trespasses to us. You see? So this verse actually negates the idea of good works to be saved. [00:19:51] Notice verse number 20 says, now then, we are ambassadors for Christ. As though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled to God. For hedgesthem God hath made him Jesus to be sin for us. [00:20:13] Substitution. The purpose of Christ's death. You see it to be sin, be sin. [00:20:25] In this you see Christ has no sin, he says, who knew no sin? Jesus is perfectly holy. This is why if a person believes that Jesus was a sinner in any way, fashion or form, they do not understand the gospel. [00:20:46] It's a necessary part of the gospel that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Again, righteousness. This is the last point of our, in our essential points, or the next to last point, righteousness. Notice we are made righteousness. Just listen. All I'm trying to do is show you what the text says, that we might be made the righteousness of God. That's not our own righteousness. That is God's own righteousness given to us in Christ. [00:21:24] That means I am not holy, I'm not righteous. Good works don't matter. But when we trust in Jesus, who died for us, we get his righteousness as a gift. So we stand before God holy. [00:21:40] You see, what I hope you're seeing is that when you build these truths together, because they're mutually supportive, and when you build them together, you start to see this is the, some of, you know, you argue with people or debate sometimes maybe at work or people you know about this point. Or that you might have a friend who believes that baptism, you know, saves them. Or you might have a friend who believes good works or different things like that. And you talk to them and they want to look at one verse or one verse or one verse here and there. And, you know, and some verses are kind of hard to explain, we admit that. But when you look at all of it together, it doesn't stand alone. It goes together. [00:22:24] Like here. [00:22:26] Like here. [00:22:28] Righteousness of God that touches on so many other things. [00:22:33] How you get righteousness given by grace, God's standard, perfect righteousness. Well, there goes your chance. My chance, right. [00:22:43] All this you can see. If you just give it some time and meditate upon these verses, you can see all these things. Look at Colossians, chapter one. [00:22:53] Colossians, chapter one. [00:23:08] On the subject of righteousness, let me make a suggestion. [00:23:11] One of the things you might ask someone, or one way you might approach the subject of the gospel is, are you good enough to go to heaven? [00:23:22] Are you good enough to go to heaven? [00:23:24] Most people accept that premise. The premise being that you have to do enough good works to go to heaven. That's what most people believe. It doesn't matter if they go to a baptist church or a episcopalian church or a, you know, whatever. It doesn't matter if they're muslim, if they're buddhist. Everyone believes that. Okay, so you say, are you good enough to go to heaven? [00:23:52] And they say, well, you know, I don't know. Or, yeah, I think I am. Why do you think that? [00:23:59] This is where you have a chance to turn to different portions of scripture and say, like Romans chapter three, verse 23, for all have sinned come short of the glory of God. Or even second corinthians five where it says it's the righteousness of God. Or even where Jesus said to the rich young ruler, he says, why callest thou me good? There's no good but one but God. That is God. [00:24:22] Or a multitude of other verses where you say, well, are you perfect? Are you without sin altogether? This is what God says. You can't go to heaven unless you're without sin. That's valid. [00:24:34] But see, you have to understand the rest to be able to explain it correctly. [00:24:38] Colossians one, number 20. Notice what the Bible says here. [00:24:44] This is. I know I'm repeating, but we have to go through the paces and see it over and over and over in different places to get a full understanding of it. And having made peace, there's that idea of reconciliation with God. Having made peace. The question is, how did God make peace? The next two words through. What does it say? [00:25:15] Okay, through the. Yeah, I said the next two words through the blood of the cross. It's like six words. [00:25:24] Having made peace through the blood of his cross. So there's only one. Listen, this is a perfect verse. Boom. [00:25:32] Do you have peace with God? Well, I don't really know. I feel like. I mean, I love God. I like God. God's awesome. [00:25:39] Okay. There's only one way, sir, ma'am, that any person can have peace with God. Boom. Right there. [00:25:48] You see that? [00:25:51] If they accept what the Bible says, it presents a truth to them, which is the blood of the cross. [00:25:59] That is the only key. That's the only way to have peace with God. [00:26:05] Have peace with God. A lot of people think, and again, this is what we're dealing with. Over years, over thousands of years of time and of our culture and of satanic influence in our thoughts, people have come to believe things that are contrary to God's word. [00:26:21] And one of those things is if I just love God and do right, God's happy with me. [00:26:29] That is just wildly different than what the scripture says. [00:26:34] The only way you can have peace is through the cross. Without the cross, there is no peace. The cross is the key. [00:26:41] He says by him to reconcile all things unto himself. We already saw that before. [00:26:52] By him, I say, whether they be things in heaven or things in earth or things in heaven, and you repeating ourselves that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works. This is a. Listen, sometimes it's good to use an illustration to describe what you're trying to explain. [00:27:11] You think of people that are coming across the southern border of the United States. Not to get political, but this is a good illustration because that is the most. You know, unless you're talking about green men from Mars. This is what we think of as an alien, right? What is an alien? That's what the word is. What's an alien? [00:27:31] Someone foreign to you. [00:27:33] Okay? Someone foreign to us. Someone who doesn't belong. Someone who has no right to be in a place. Right. That's what we legally. An alien is. Someone who does not have right to be in the United States. [00:27:48] You know, that's what an alien is, someone who is foreign. Okay, so you take that. You take this verse and you show somebody. See, you know, what an alien is. [00:27:57] Why don't they let people just come across the border? Okay? Just hang tight. Okay? We know they do. [00:28:04] It's because they don't have a right. They are foreign to us. They have to have access, has to be a door for them to come. [00:28:15] You can use that as an illustration. [00:28:19] And so this is where you stand with God. You are foreign to him. [00:28:24] You have no access to him. [00:28:27] You see? [00:28:29] But I love God. I like God. God's awesome. That's fine and good, but the Bible says you're foreign to him. [00:28:38] But he has made a way for you who are foreign to actually become his child. Right? And that's where you can go into the gospel. [00:28:48] So you see the condition of man here, verse 21 in the body. And you who are sometimes, sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind, why am I an enemy of God? That's a good question. Because most people don't think of themselves that way. You know, if you think of, like, an atheist, an atheist or a very antagonistic atheist might think of themselves an enemy of God, but most people don't think of themselves that way. But this says we all are, and the reason we are is because of our wicked works. [00:29:18] Yet now hath he reconciled how this is repeating ourselves in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblamable and unapprovable in his sight. That's perfect righteousness. You see it all there. Okay, let me pause here a second, because we have three more passages to look at before we're done with this. And I want to get them all done today. Okay. Because I know this is kind of dragging a little bit. All right, does anybody have any question or comment? [00:29:52] Take a break. Does anybody have one? Something you want to bring up? [00:29:57] Going once, going twice. [00:30:00] All right. All right, let's go to the next one. First Timothy, chapter one. [00:30:05] I was trying to give you a break, but nobody bit, so you're supposed to ask a question. Benjen, you know everything already. [00:30:14] First Timothy, chapter one, verse 15. Very common verse. Good. This is a verse I like to use as a one liner when you have just a moment to give somebody the gospel. There's a lot of. There's a lot of oomph in this one verse, right? [00:30:32] And, you know, and this is why we're doing this study, because when you look at these verses that are very common to you, I want you to examine them so that you can find the little points that you can bring out with somebody when you just have a second. [00:30:48] When you just have a second, you can point out things that are in the verse already. All right. First Timothy, 115. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. Save sinners. That presupposes we are sinners. It presupposes we know Jesus died for everyone, that everyone is a sinner. Why did Jesus come to save sinners? That means you can't save yourself. He is the savior. He does the saving, not you. That excludes good works, all of these things. [00:31:22] If you could save yourself, why did he come into the world all from one verse? [00:31:28] All right, look at Hebrews chapter nine. [00:31:36] Hebrews nine, verse number 28. [00:31:46] This is another one liner that you can memorize and put in your toolbox so that you can share it with people when you have an opportunity. Hebrews chapter nine, verse number 28. You go to verse 27. I'll read it because it's context. We often read verse 27 incorrectly. We read it as it is appointed unto men once to die and after. This is the judgment. That's the way we read it, as if it's a statement, but it's actually a conditional thing. It's a comparison. As it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this, the judgment. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin, unto salvation. [00:32:31] Notice the word offering. [00:32:35] That means the Lord prepared the way right he offered, was once offered to bear the sins of many. Church. When did that happen? [00:32:47] The cross. Even though the cross is not mentioned, it's there. All you got to do is point it out right there. [00:32:56] He bore the sins of many, and unto them that look for him. Now notice. Notice the word look for him. That's an. [00:33:06] Sometimes. [00:33:08] Sometimes some of these concepts are a little bit difficult to explain. One of the concepts, there's two concepts in particular. They're kind of hard to explain. One is repentance and the other is faith. [00:33:23] But when you see things like this, it kind of gives you a different kind of vantage point, a different way to view faith. [00:33:32] It says unto him that look for him. You have this idea of looking. Right? Looking. [00:33:40] What is faith? [00:33:42] This goes right along with what passage we've already studied. Come on, now. Come on now, Ben. You already know. What is it? [00:33:51] John, chapter three. Remember the serpent in the wilderness? [00:33:55] He says, moses said, look and live. That's a demonstration of faith. What does someone do when they trust in Jesus? They look to him, not to themselves, not to religion, to a person. [00:34:11] Right. They look to him, and that's what you see here. It's a perfect and beautiful illustration of what it means to believe in Christ. We're looking to him. Our expectation is there. Our hope is set on him. [00:34:26] Do you understand what I'm saying? [00:34:28] Sometimes when you present it like that, it helps people understand more. [00:34:34] Okay. [00:34:38] All right, let's go to one. Peter, chapter two. This is our last book to go to. First, Peter, chapter two, verse 21. 1st Peter, 221, says this, for even hereunto were ye called. Because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that you should follow his steps. [00:35:16] You see, Christ's suffering is brought up here. This is an event that was planned of God. Verse 22. Who, talking about Christ, did no sin. Neither was guile found in his mouth. All right, so you see, Jesus is sinless. Compare that to where we are. We are not that. And if there's any question about what is sin, the Lord gives us, again, using it to share the gospel with others. The Lord gives us a ready made example of sin in the verse. What example of sin is in the verse? [00:35:48] Deception. See it? It's in verse number 22. Deception. So that's a listen. Everybody lies. [00:35:57] Lying is something everybody's good at. [00:35:59] That's something that rings everybody's number. Right? [00:36:03] Even if it's not a bald faced lie. The way we twist the truth and make ourselves look nice or get ourselves out of a tight spot. [00:36:12] That is something everybody relates to. [00:36:15] The Lord gave it right in a verse. This is what it means to sin. Verse 23, who, when he was reviled, reviled not again. When he suffered, he threatened nothing, but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously. There you see God judging sin in our place. You see it. Verse number 24, who his own self bare our sins in his own body. On the tree. What does it mean that Jesus died on the cross for sin? For our sins. This is what it means. Our sin was upon him. [00:36:50] He was dying as a sinner, that we being dead to sins. Boom. Repentance, right there. [00:36:58] Our attitude towards sin, you see, it should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed. So even though. Listen, this is interesting. Even though the Lord, when he saves us from sin, he desires to turn us from it, so we live a new life, right? That doesn't save us. The cross, what jesus did on the cross saves us, you see? [00:37:22] But having been saved, he turns us from it so that we love righteousness, should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed. The stripes of Christ are the only thing that heals. [00:37:38] For ye were as sheep going astray. That's the condition of man. But are now returned unto the shepherd and bishop of your souls. [00:37:48] Last verse, chapter three of the same book, verse number 18. This is another good one liner to memorize. [00:37:56] For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust. The word just is equivalent to what other word we've already looked at. [00:38:07] Righteous. Exactly. So you could say like this, the just for the unjust could be the righteous. That's Jesus. For or in place of the unrighteous. Who is the righteous? Jesus says, who is the unrighteous in this verse? [00:38:21] Ben? Yes, he raised his hand. It's us. [00:38:27] That he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit. So we see God's standard of righteousness, which is being without sin. We see Jesus was without sin. We see that we are unjust, unrighteous because of our sin. [00:38:47] And the goal of Christ's sufferings is to bring us to God. That implies that we are far from him. [00:38:55] And there's only one thing that brings us to him. [00:38:58] What is it? [00:39:01] It's the blood of Jesus Christ. That's it. There's no other way. [00:39:06] Being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit, which is the resurrection of Christ. [00:39:13] Let's pray to.

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